Art Gallery of Hamilton

Member Profile.

Member Profile

The Art Gallery of Hamilton is the oldest and largest art museum in Southern Ontario with a permanent collection that is recognized as one of the finest in Canada. Embracing Canadian historical, international and contemporary art, the collection consists of more than 10,000 works. The AGH is renowned for presenting outstanding exhibitions and complementary programming for visitors of all ages.

Sustainability Leadership Program Updates

2021 Annual Impact Report

Now in our fourth year as a proud member, 2020 marked a year of change for the AGH. Not only did COVID disrupt our normal operating procedures we also had a change in leadership of our Operations team. This change lined up with the changes to the Sustainability Leadership Program (SLP), resulting in a new team taking responsibility for the AGH’s Sustainability program. 

The new team is completing Step 1 of the SLP and we are excited to move forward in the process, moving the AGH towards a more sustainable operation.

(This text originally appeared in the 2020 Annual Impact Report)

2020 Annual Impact Report

Now in our fourth year as a proud member, 2020 marked a year of change for the AGH. Not only did COVID disrupt our normal operating procedures we also had a change in leadership of our Operations team. This change lined up with the changes to the Sustainability Leadership Program (SLP), resulting in a new team taking responsibility for the AGH’s Sustainability program. 

The new team is completing Step 1 of the SLP and we are excited to move forward in the process, moving the AGH towards a more sustainable operation.

2019 Annual Impact Report

Now in our third year as a proud member, we completed gathering data from the City of Hamilton on our energy usage. Now that this is completed we will be able to establish our GHG baseline in 2020. We are working with our suppliers towards eliminating single use plastics and more recyclable items in our food service area and further environmentally friendly cleaning supplies for our housekeeping department. 

Our Green Team is moving forward with a developed plan for further solid waste management practices. We have also participated in the City’s waste management program business focus group, as we are especially interested in wet garbage management. Our completed public space LED program resulted in the replacement of over 2,500 florescent tube and halogen bulbs. 

2018-2019 Annual Business Report

As a second year member of SBI we have gathered pertinent data, are on board with the Verisae program and will be establishing our GHG baseline in 2019. A Green Team was developed and gained momentum with a focus on setting goals and objectives, reviewing corporate behaviour in areas of environmental impact, determining projects and growing the team. 

One of the first projects chosen was to complete a waste audit. In working with the Collaborative Experimental Learning Project of Mohawk College and SBI, environmental students will be joining us in their winter semester to complete this project. We are looking forward to advancing to the Gold level membership.

2018-2019 Profile

The Art Gallery of Hamilton is the oldest and largest art museum in Southern Ontario with a permanent collection that is recognized as one of the finest in Canada. Embracing Canadian historical, international and contemporary art, the collection consists of more than 10,000 works. The AGH is renowned for presenting outstanding exhibitions and complementary programming for visitors of all ages.