Hamilton Chamber of Commerce

Member Profile.

Member Profile

Since its inception in 1845, the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce has served as an anchor institution and the definitive voice of the local business community. 

Throughout its history, the Chamber has played an important role in bringing together business and community leaders to advocate at all levels of government for policies that further enhance the social and economic prosperity of our city. 

The Chamber is an ambitious organization that strives to meet the various needs of business members of all sizes while also connecting city-building leadership to renew and strengthen the Hamilton economy.

Sustainability Leadership Program Updates

Annual Impact Report 2022

Over the course of 2022, pandemic-related operational restrictions ceased, and as such, the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce team returned to the office as well as reinstating all of our in-person programming and events. As a result of this, the Chamber’s operational emissions grew compared to 2021 as our operational footprint expanded outside of our individual homes. Looking to 2023 and the already successful events calendar we have run, the Chamber will continue its efforts to minimize our organizational emissions by working with our property manager to reduce operational emissions and improving our sustainable procurement practices for member events and engagements.

Annual Impact Report 2021 

Over the course of 2021, all organizations were subject to evolving pandemic operational restrictions, and as such, the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce continued to work remotely to serve our members and community. As such, the Chamber’s operational emissions were lower than compared to a more traditional year where we host events and engagements that drive up our emissions profile. Looking to 2022 and the return to in-person events, the Chamber will continue its efforts to minimize our organizational emissions by tracking data associated with remote work and improving our sustainable procurement practices for member events and engagements. 

Annual Impact Report 2020 

The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce recently joined the Sustainability Leadership Program (SLP) in an effort to tackle the organization’s own sustainability goals and to learn more about targeted efforts businesses can take to reduce their environmental impact. 

The SLP provides an excellent opportunity to work alongside Sustainability Leadership’s team of experts to educate our team on and to develop a clear sustainability action plan for the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce that we can then knowledge-transfer and promote to our existing business membership. 

The objective will be to increase awareness and uptake of environmental initiatives across our membership to drive down Hamilton’s overall GHG footprint.