The People
In the realm of sustainability, individuals are the driving force behind transformative change. By spotlighting these dedicated leaders, we celebrate not only their personal commitment but also the diverse roles they play within the sustainability space. These individuals serve as catalysts, influencing their organizations and communities towards greener practices. Their roles extend beyond titles; they are the architects of innovative solutions and ambassadors for environmental stewardship. Recognizing their efforts is essential, as it sheds light on the multifaceted contributions that collectively shape a sustainable future.
The Organizations
Organizations play a pivotal role in the sustainability landscape, serving as the canvas upon which impactful initiatives are painted. By highlighting the collective efforts of these entities, we draw attention to the larger impact achievable through collaborative, organizational action. Understanding the role of organizations in the sustainability narrative is crucial for fostering a culture of environmental consciousness. It underscores the interconnectedness between individuals, their roles, and the overarching influence of organizations on the path towards a more sustainable world.
The Cause
Sustainability and innovation are inseparable forces essential for overcoming contemporary challenges. Sustainability ensures responsible resource use, environmental conservation, and societal well-being, while innovation drives creative solutions. Together, they propel positive change, with sustainable practices inspiring innovation and innovative thinking guiding us towards a more sustainable future. It's a symbiotic relationship, where each element strengthens the other, leading us toward a future where environmental stewardship and cutting-edge innovation go hand in hand.

Highlighting Hamilton's Leaders in Sustainability

Embarking on our “Sustainability Leaders” series, we are thrilled to introduce the visionary Josh Lewis, the inaugural guest and Vice President of Energy Engineering at Nerva Energy in Hamilton. 

As a distinguished professional in the sustainability space, Josh’s journey is marked by remarkable achievements. His Energy & Carbon Transformation Leadership award, coupled with the prestigious 2019 AEE International Energy Innovator of the Year title, positions him as a true luminary. Notably, Josh has been at the helm of the 2022 Clean 50 Top Project, a testament to his commitment to transformative and sustainable practices. Join us as we delve into Josh Lewis’s insights, experiences, and the impactful strides he has made in shaping a more sustainable future.

Can you provide an overview of your company and its core business activities in Hamilton?

NERVA Energy is a pivotal partner for owners and operators of existing buildings in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA), dedicated to elevating energy conservation and reducing carbon emissions. Our robust energy conservation programs, backed by solid financial and performance guarantees, demonstrate our commitment to tangible results and accountability.

With an elite multi-disciplinary team of engineers, certified energy managers, and mechanical experts, we apply cutting-edge technologies and pioneering strategies to optimize building performance and deliver industry-leading programs. Our services are tailored to not just satisfy, but surpass our clients’ expectations, contributing to the sustainability of the community. We stand firm on our pledge: no excuses, full accountability, and quantifiable results, driving a more sustainable and energy-efficient future for the GTHA and its ever-evolving skyline.

How would you describe the role of your company within the local community and industry?

NERVA champions the viability and economic benefits of large-scale, rapid energy conservation programs, partnering with owners and managers to proactively reduce their energy and carbon footprint. Our projects in the rapidly expanding Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) not only alleviate the strain on Ontario’s electricity grid but also significantly reduce the region’s carbon emissions. By focusing on the intersection of people, planet, and profit, we drive transformative change, underscoring the critical need for strategic energy conservation solutions in growing communities, the province and beyond.

What sustainability initiatives or practices has your company implemented, and how do they align with your overall business strategy?

NERVA Energy was established with a mission to transform large buildings into models of efficiency, reliability, and sustainability. Targeting this significant source of Canada’s carbon emissions, NERVA plays a crucial role in the national effort towards decarbonization. Our large-scale projects typically achieve a 20-35% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and notably lower electricity demand. Embodying our commitment to sustainability, NERVA’s Green Team spearheads our in-house initiatives.
We’ve optimized our own HVAC systems, embraced comprehensive recycling, e-waste, and hazardous waste programs, and equipped our office with four Level 2 EV chargers.  

We are also actively working towards being certified as a B-Corp. Sustainability is not just a practice but the essence of our corporate ethos.

Have you identified any unexpected opportunities or positive outcomes as a result of your sustainability efforts?

Absolutely. Our commitment to sustainability has unveiled several unexpected opportunities and
positive outcomes. Our approach to energy conservation not only achieves substantial energy
savings and emission reductions but also fosters economic growth and community resilience.

By showcasing the results of our projects, we’ve positioned the Greater Toronto and Hamilton
Area (GTHA) as a model for sustainable urban development, enhancing its appeal to residents,
businesses, and newcomers. These initiatives have also served as a catalyst for industry innovation, demonstrating how strategic partnerships can lead to significant community benefits.

Our sustainability efforts have had a positive impact on our employee morale, as well as differentiating us, which helps attract top talent. This holistic impact of our efforts extends far beyond our initial goals, underscoring the far-reaching potential of sustainability in modern enterprises.

How do you involve your employees, customers, and other stakeholders in your sustainability efforts?

At NERVA, we engage our employees, customers, and stakeholders in our sustainability journey by integrating them into every step of our process. Our employees are the driving force behind our innovative solutions, trained and empowered to deliver energy efficiency and carbon reduction strategies that have tangible financial benefits. We collaborate closely with our customers, aligning our sustainability goals with their needs, and ensuring they play an active role in achieving impactful outcomes. Furthermore, we maintain open dialogues with stakeholders, sharing insights and developments to foster a community dedicated to sustainability. This inclusive approach ensures that sustainability isn’t just a service we offer; it’s a shared mission that unites us all.

How do you see the landscape of sustainable business evolving in Hamilton and beyond in the coming years?

The sustainable business landscape in Hamilton and the wider region is poised for significant growth. Driven by the dual imperatives of environmental stewardship and
financial viability, we observe a burgeoning trend of businesses committing to sustainable practices. Hamilton has made commendable strides, drawing lessons from leading cities like Toronto and Vancouver.

This evolving tapestry of sustainability is not only gaining momentum due to regulatory and societal shifts but also because businesses recognize the enduring value it brings. We foresee a future where sustainability is embedded in the business ethos, driving innovation, attracting investment, and enhancing community well-being in Hamilton and beyond.

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