Annual Impact Report 2022

Sustainability Leadership Awards.

Sustainability Leadership Awards.

Every year Sustainability Leadership hosts a recognition ceremony to celebrate the annual progress made towards more sustainable practices by our members. These awards are presented to members who have met our criteria for initiatives/programs that have a significant impact on social, environmental or economic sustainability, and comprehensive sustainability reporting. We invited sustainability professionals to act as our third-party judging panel to evaluate and provide feedback to our members regarding the successes and potential improvements of their initiative, program and/or report (to learn more about our judging panel see Acknowledgements page).

Social Initiative.

The Social Initiative award recognises a Member who has implemented an initiative that has a significant impact on people, whether within the company or in the community, in 2022. 

Examples include: human resource policies, community relations and volunteer work. Click here to view our 2021 Social Initiative winner.

  • Mental Health Awareness – Alectra
  • Sustainable Events – Conservation Halton (WINNER)
Economic Initiative.

The Economic Initiative award recognises a member who has implemented an initiative that has a significant impact on economic sustainability, local development or corporate governance within the organisation or the region in 2022. 

Examples include: local job creation, local procurement and local skill building & training. Click here to view our 2021 Economic Initiative winner. 

  • Hamilton Day 2022 – Hamilton Chamber of Commerce (WINNER)
  • Paper Reduction – Hamilton Health Sciences
Environmental Initiative.

The Environmental Initiative award recognises a Member who has implemented an initiative that has a significant impact on the environment in 2022. 

Examples Include: reducing carbon outputs, reducing consumption, increasing biodiversity, and waste diversion. Click here to view our 2021 Environmental Initiative winner.

  • GHG Reductions in Fleet – Alectra (WINNER)
  • The Grindstone Creek Watershed Natural Assets Management Program – Conservation Halton
  • GHG Emissions Reductions – Hamilton Health Sciences
  • Virtual Care – Hamilton Health Sciences
  • Waste Diversion – Hamilton Health Sciences
  • Efficiency Planning and Path to Net Zero – Nerva Energy
Best Sustainability Report.

The Best Sustainability Report award recognises the sustainability report that best meets the criteria set out by the Global Reporting Initiative for effective sustainability reporting.

This framework creates a consistent experience for users to understand what is being reported, why those topics were chosen and how they were measured. It also tells the story of what happened, where a business currently stands and how they plan to address the impacts going forward.

Click here to view our 2021 Best Sustainability Report winner.

  • Alectra
  • Hamilton Health Sciences (WINNER)
  • WalterFedy
Overall Sustainability Leadership.

This award recognizes Members who have incorporated a holistic, triple bottom-line approach to their overall business – from overall strategy to day-to-day implementation.

The Criteria for this award is as follows:

  • Sustainability is clearly incorporated into their core operating philosophy or strategy
  • Key decision-making and corporate policies integrate environmental, social and economic considerations
  • Their sustainability commitment is well communicated to all internal and external stakeholders
  • Alectra
  • Conservation Halton
  • Quantum Lifecycle (WINNER)